Medical doctors – Qualifications – Recognition
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General information
In Austria the medical profession may only be exercised on the condition that the general (e.g. sufficient knowledge of German language) and specific prerequisites for medical activity are fulfilled, furthermore registration with the Austrian Medical Chamber is required.
Further information on the prerequisites for medical practice in Austria can be found in the Information sheet Taking up medical activities in Austria (→ ÖÄK) of the Austrian Medical Chamber.
Medical qualifications issued by an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland in accordance with Professional Qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC are recognized by the Austrian Medical Chamber.
Medical qualifications issued by an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland
Competent authority
Austrian Medical Chamber [Österreichische Ärztekammer]
Weihburggasse 10–12
1010 Vienna
The application for entry in the list of doctors is made via the state medical associations in the federal states.
The application for the recognition of medical qualifications may be submitted in person, by post or by electronic means.
Application forms including information on the required information may be found on the Website of the Austrian Medical Chamber:
- Application for automatic recognition of an EEA qualification (→ ÖÄK)German text
- Application for non-automatic recognition of an EEA qualification (→ ÖÄK)German text
The application can also be submitted online:
- Application for automatic recognition of an EEA qualification (→ ÖÄK)German text
- Application for non-automatic recognition of an EEA qualification (→ ÖÄK)German text
Preliminary proceedings: formal examination of qualifications, in the case of non- automatic recognition detailed examination of qualifications, if necessary an aptitude test is imposed
Length of Proceedings: up to three months, up to four months in the case of non-automatic recognition
Legal Remedy: a complaint against a decision may be submitted to the Austrian Medical Chamber within four weeks from the delivery of the decision.
Required documents
- Proof of postal address
- Evidence of medical professional qualification issued by an EU or EEA member state or Switzerland and a certificate from the competent authority of the home Member State stating that this evidence of formal qualification is covered by Directive 2005/36/EC
- Proof of professional experience (certificates of employment etc.) if required
- An attestation from the competent authority of the state of origin confirming the absence of temporary or final suspensions from exercising the profession or of criminal convictions
- Medical certificate (issued within the last three months) confirming that the applicant fulfills all health requirements for the profession
- Police Clearance Certificate issued within the last three months
- In case the applicant’s name differs from the name shown on the diploma or on the certificate, a wedding or divorce certificate or any other official document proving the change of name must be submitted.
- Evidence of citizenship, valid passport or personal identification (copy)
All documents and certificates (except evidence of citizenship) must be submitted in German language or English, either as an original or as a copy authenticated by a court or a notary public. Only translations by a certified court translator are accepted.
Non authenticated copies or untranslated documents are not accepted as evidence. After processing, all original documents will be returned immediately.
Costs and fees
The Austrian Medical Chamber must issue a confirmation to persons upon request that their professional qualification is recognized in Austria. A processing fee may be charged for issuing this certificate.
In case of non-automatic recognition administrative fees depending on actual effort from EUR 290,03 and EUR 1.883,71 apply (Fees 2025).
Further information
This application is for the profession of:
- Doctor with basic medical training
- General practitioner, as of 01.06.2026, specialist in general medicine and family medicine
- Specialised doctor in another specialty
Transitional clause for the acquisition of the title of Specialist in General Practice and Family Medicine:
- Subject to the requirements of Section 262 (2) or (3) of the Medical Practitioners Act 1998, persons who hold a diploma of special training in general medicine pursuant to Section 15 (1) (1) of the Medical Practitioners Act 1998 or a corresponding qualification pursuant to Section 5 (2) or Section 5a of the Medical Practitioners Act 1998 are, as of 01.01.2025, entitled to use the title "Specialist in general medicine and family medicine" or "Specialist in general medicine and family medicine" after registration in the list of doctors.
- The new title then replaces the previous title of general practitioner.
Legal bases
- sections 4, 5, 5a, 13b, 27, 28, 262 of the Ärztegesetz (ÄrzteG 1998)
- Ärzte-/Ärztinnen-EU-Qualifikationsnachweis-Verordnung
- Verordnung der Österreichischen Ärztekammer über die Einhebung einer Bearbeitungsgebühr im übertragenen Wirkungsbereich
- Verordnung der Österreichischen Ärztekammer über Organisation und Durchführung der Eignungsprüfung im Rahmen des Verfahrens zur Eintragung in die Ärzteliste gemäß § 27 iVm § 5a Abs 5 und § 37 Abs 11 ÄrzteG
Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection