Notification of the annual waste balance (incl. blank report)

General information

Waste collectors and/or operators of waste treatment facilities that are subject to recording requirements have to record continuously the following data:

  • the origins of the types of waste accepted
  • the quantities
  • the whereabouts
  • the types and quantities of the materials returned to the economic cycle

A summary of the data from the preceding calendar year must be reported to the competent authority once a year (annual waste balance).

Please note that waste collectors or waste operators of waste treatment facilities who are subject to recording requirements and who have neither taken over nor handed over waste nor carried out any waste treatment in the previous calendar year must submit a blank report.

Enterprises affected

Waste collectors and operators of waste treatment facilities that are subject to recording requirements.

Please note

Affected enterprises are also "permit-free take-back operators" who prepare waste taken back without a permit for reuse (by cleaning, testing, repairing).


There are no waste balance or blank notification obligations for:

  • transporters, insofar as they only transport waste on behalf of the waste owner
  • certain property managers and building managers
  • certain persons contracted with activities who do not require a permit




The annual waste balance report or any blank report must be submitted by 15 March each year (for the previous calendar year).


The first annual waste balance about the reporting year 2010 had to be reported by 15 March 2011.

Competent authority

The Provincial GovernorGerman text

Please note

Companies subject to the reporting obligation must be registered on If a company is not registered, it must submit an application for registration. Registration of companies and reporting of annual waste balances are both carried out electronically via ( BMK).


The annual waste balance has to be notified in electronic form via a defined interface on ( BMK). For this purpose, the waste collector or the operator of the waste treatment facilities logs into using his/her access data (user name and password) and there uploads his/her annual waste balance sheet (XML file) by the application "Bilanzen".

Entrepreneurs registered in the Business Service Portal USP have the possibility to use this and many other online proceduresGerman text with one single logging into the USP. More detailed information on the registration in the USP is available in the online guidance on USP registrationGerman text.

Required documents

The annual waste balance sheet has to be uploaded as XML file to The necessary content and structures are set out in the Abfallbilanzverordnung (Waste Balance Ordinance). The blank report is based on section 21 paragraph 3 of the Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz (Waste Management Act – AWG) and only has to contain the type of report, the legal entity and the reporting period.

Please note

The file format needed for the electronic transmission has been published on


For "small" landfill operators, electronic support is offered on, that may be used by other "small" waste collectors or waste management operators as well. This electronic support can also be used to create the blank report.

Costs and fees

No tariffs or duties have to be paid.

Further information


For all waste collectors and waste handlers who have been granted a permit by the Provincial Governor pursuant to section 24a paragraph 1 of the AWG: If a person subject to the reporting obligation does not submit a waste balance sheet (nor a blanc report) for a longer period than two consecutive reporting periods, the permit shall be deemed to have expired (section 27 of the AWG).

Related Links ( BMK)

Legal bases

Last update: 17 January 2024

Responsible for the content: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology